Name letters pt.2
May 1, 2016 TAKA 0 Comments
Name letter pt.1 treated with last name.
This time, treating with Japanese fist names.
At fast
Ichiro, Jiro, Japanese name by Numbering
(Ichiro, Jiro, Saburo, Shiro, Goro)
The first letters means number.(1,2,3,4,5)
郎 is popular letter for name but basically no meaning.
These names displays the order of borning.
But they are few now, aside from 一郎. (The inducted Hall of fame baseball player Ichiro Suzuki is this.)
Second, In Japan and also China, we make names by abstruct meaning and just sound.
Female Japanese names and Males
In Japanese case, we can find the sex by some name letters.
For examples,
Characters For Japanese Female names
子(child, but no meaning for name)(-Ko)、香(scent)(Ka )、優(kind)(Yuu)、花(flower)(Ka or Hana)、菜(leafs)(-Na)、美(beauty)、実(fruit)(Mi)、由(no meaning)(Yu)
子ko is very traditional style women name. All ladies in Japanese emperor family have this type name.
Characters For Japanese Male names
健(health)(pronounced Takeshi or Ken)、武(arms)(Takeshi)、仁(humane)(Hitoshi)、夫(husband)(-o, e.g. 達夫Tatsu o)、翼(wing)(Tsubasa. popular soccer anime, Captain Tsubasa is this)、一(first)(pronounced Hajime or Kazu)、勇(brave)(Yu or sometimes Isami)、太(bold)(Ta or Hutoshi)
Most of names are 1-3 letters. I speculate a letter is 5 %,2 is 80%, and 3 is 15%.(just I speculate.)
For example, 勇太(Yu ta) or 由美子(Yu mi ko), like that.
And you can find sex by last sound of name oftenly.
“Ta” is probably men, “Ko”or “Na” are women.
Thank you