kuroko baskets Kuroko’s Basketball, or Kuroko no Basuke, is a popular sports manga and anime series that features various characters with meaningful names. Here are some of the main characters...
平清盛 (Taira no Kiyomori) A military leader of the Taira clan, who established the first samurai-dominated government. 平 (Taira) is his family name, with 平 (taira) meaning “flat” or “peace....
Matoi Ryuko (纏 流子) 纏 (matoi) – “wrap” or “bind” 流 (ryu) – “flow” or “current” 子 (ko) – “child” Ryuko’s name means “flowing child,” and her last name, Matoi,...
Kanji of Tokyo Revengers Ah! Maybe this character and this character come from Street Fighter.I had this idea and wrote it down this time. Hanagaki Takemichi(花垣 武道)Hanagaki is a hedge of...
7th Division Sajin Komamura Komamura Sajin 狛村 左陣 Gurdian-lion Village Left Camping Tetsuzaemon Iba Iba Tetsuzaemon 射場 鉄左衛門 Shooting Field Iron Left Defense Gate 8th Division Shunsui Kyoraku Kyoraku Shunsui...
1st Division Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni 山本元柳斎重國 Mountain Book Origin Willow SAI Heavy Country Chojiro Sasakibe Sasakibe Choziro Sadaoki 雀部 長次郎忠息 Sparrow Division Chief Second ROU Loyalty...
Kurosaki Ichigo 黒崎一護 Black SAKI One Protection Kurosaki is common last name. Akira Kurosawa who admired by George Lucas is 黒沢Kuro sawa. It looks his first name represents his character. Kuchiki...
Yuta Okkotsu Okkotsu Yu ta 乙骨優太 Bone Kind Ta Yuta’s ta is common name character. There has meaning thick, but most Japanese never imagine the meaning. Maki Zenin Zen in...
Tanjiro Kamado Kama do Tan ji rou 竈門 炭治郎 Hearth Gate Charcoal Care Rou Kamado(Japanese hearth) is big rice cooker in short, look this! Nezuko Kamado Kama do Ne zu...